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EFTPOS Technical Help
For any questions related to technical help, please contact our helpline on 1300 362 812
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EFTPOS Accessories
For all accessory enquiries and orders please contact support on 1300 362 812.

Charging/Comms Base
The B210 with bluetooth or serial communication is suitable for merchants in locations with weak connectivity, such as basement locations, night clubs, or restaurants with till systems in back rooms. The terminal can transmit transactions in real-time to the B210 base which then uses the Ethernet / PSTN port to dial out for quick authorisation. The base also charges the terminal.
How long does it take for the EFTPOS terminal to arrive?
How long does it take for the EFTPOS terminal to arrive?
Once your application is approved, it’ll take 2 to 4 business days for the machine to arrive, depending on your location.
How do I get started with my Ezidebit EFTPOS terminal?
How do I get started with my Ezidebit EFTPOS terminal?
Simply unpack the box and turn the terminal on. The machine will connect to the 3G network by default, however you can also choose to change to another connection type. If you ordered your terminal to work with your integrated software solution, the terminal will need to be paired with your software. Refer to your Ezidebit welcome email or contact your software provider for instructions.
How do I transfer from a different provider?
How do I transfer from a different provider?
You can keep your existing EFTPOS terminal until your new terminal arrives. Once you receive your Ezidebit EFTPOS terminal, simply unpack the box, switch the terminal on and pair it with your software to get up and running.
How does the settlement work?
How does the settlement work?
All EFTPOS transactions will take up to two business days to settle. Funds will be cleared to your nominated bank account alongside your existing product terms and timeframes.
What does it mean for payments to be settled automatically through the Ezidebit EFTPOS machines?
What does it mean for payments to be settled automatically through the Ezidebit EFTPOS machines?
Automatic settlements happen once per day from our EFTPOS machines to your nominated bank account. It will happen even when the machine is off (but connected to power and network), so it’s one less thing you need to remember to do! The default terminal settlement time is 7:00pm AEST. If you wish to change this, please contact Ezidebit on 1300 763 256.
Is the machine battery operated? If so, how long does it last?
Is the machine battery operated? If so, how long does it last?
Yes. The terminal works off a battery and can last up to eight hours, depending on frequency of use. If you don’t already have one, you can also choose to order a base station which will give you charging functionality while connected.
What card types are accepted?
What card types are accepted?
For EFTPOS terminal (in person) payments, EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard and American Express (if enabled) cards can be used, as well as Mobile Wallets including Apple Pay and Google Pay. EFTPOS is used when ‘CHQ’ or ‘SAV’ is selected on the terminal after inserting or swiping a card, whereas everything else will be considered Credit.
How do I order more paper rolls, or add-on accessories like a base station?
How do I order more paper rolls, or add-on accessories like a base station?
Simply get in touch with us via [email protected] (quoting your Client ID and what you’re after) or call 1300 763 256. We’ll get these shipped to you and then arrange for these to be billed (where applicable) at the end of the month.
How do I process refunds?
How do I process refunds?
In order to process refunds, you will need a refund password. For your safety, the first time you need to do a refund, you’ll need to call Ezidebit support on 1300 763 256. After the first time, you will be able to continue to use the same password.