PCI compliance - what are your responsibilities?

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5 min read

If you run a business, no matter the size, and accept credit card payments, you are legally required to meet a set of security standards called PCI-DSS, which are designed to keep your customers’ payment details safe. PCI-DSS compliance is a complex part of running a business. Understanding your responsibility to protect your customers’ information is vital to securing further business and protecting your business from the damage a data breach could have on it.

Here at Ezidebit, we have worked hard to maintain the world’s highest payment security accreditation (PCI-DSS Level 1 compliance), and we have stringent and robust processes and policies in place to ensure your payments are secure. If your business uses Ezidebit’s payment solutions, you can feel comfortable that every payment and the customer data that comes with it, is processed in a safe and highly secure environment.

But there are a few touchpoints you have with your customer’s information before it reaches us, which you are responsible for securing.

We’ve put together a breakdown of the different areas of PCI compliance you are responsible for looking after and the areas we take care of. PCI compliance is a collaborative process, meaning that the responsibility for managing and securing your customers’ information rests with both the business (you) and the payment provider (us).


 payment card industry data security standard responsibilities 

Our cybersecurity compliance program, the Merchant Trust Initiative, is designed to assist you meet all of your PCI compliance responsibilities. We provide step-by-step guidance on the correct processes for handling and managing your customers’ information so you can rest easy knowing both you and your customers are protected.

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