How social media marketing can help build your hair or beauty business

How hair and beauty businesses can use social media to benefit their business

4 mins

As a hairdressing and beauty business owner, it’s crucial to know how to connect with your clients through social media marketing to benefit your business. 

Social media platforms are making it easier for brands to meet customers where they hang out - on their favourite social channel.  Instead of investing in traditional forms of advertising, they rely on word-of-mouth recommendations and customer actions, such as referring friends, sharing posts, and creating content. 

For example, if your clients use Pinterest for inspiration before going to the salon, you can share trends, photos, tutorials, and more on your business’s page. Facebook and Instagram provide excellent opportunities to showcase your work and engage in conversations with your clients.

Connectivity, convenience and community are the new buzzwords with brands tapping into on-demand apps and connected wearable devices, as well as social commerce. Here are some tips on how to stay on top of what’s new to keep your business relevant and connected with your clients.


It’s not about you

Although your main goal is to promote your hair and beauty business, everything you say on your social channels has to benefit your existing or potential clients. Make all of it  about the people you’re talking to, and make it personal. 

Before you post anything on social media, make sure it’s something you feel your customer would want to talk about or be interested in. Post pictures that your demographic will positively respond and react to. All pictures, captions, or tweets should match the tone of your brand and be in line with your target age group.

Remember to add a booking link and share it on social media to make it easy for your customers to book from there.


Showcase your work

One of the best ways to use Facebook or Instagram is as visual media to showcase the work you’re most proud of. Posting about your work provides you with endless opportunities to create original and relevant content. 

People engage with pictures 120% more** than text-only posts and these can also help to bring new referrals through your doors. Encourage your current clients to share photos with their own personal networks. Encourage them to use your hashtag (#) or ask them to leave a review about your services or your business. Remember to reward them for sharing your content by offering a thank-you discount or bonus for the next appointment.

These kinds of posts will not only inspire your clients but will build trust in your brand and in the quality of your services.


Show off your team

A great social media marketing idea for your salon, spa or clinic is to highlight your team members by sharing photos with a short description of specialisations or their favourite products. You can encourage them to create and post their own content on your site, or share your posts with their networks. 


Explore new ways to do business with social selling

On platforms like Facebook Shop, Instagram Shopping, Pinterest Shopping and TikTokShop, audiences can buy your product instantly, without leaving the platform. You can use live streaming events to demonstrate a service, product  or treatment and your clients can instantly buy a product or book a service they see on the screen.

To make it even easier to buy, you can embed payment links and QR codes directly into your social media posts and live commerce streams.


How Ezidebit can help

Spend less time chasing payments and invest the time and effort in social media marketing instead. Ezidiebit can make sure your payment systems and processes run smoothly and efficiently, so you can engage with your current and potential clients, spread awareness about your services, and create brand loyalty through an interactive relationship with followers.

We have a range of payment solutions at your fingertips and streamlined, simple payment reconciliation into your business software to help you enjoy additional revenue opportunities generated through your social media efforts. With over 20 years in the payments industry, we have built a reputation that hair and beauty businesses trust.

To find out more about how we can help you grow your hairdressing or beauty services business, get in touch today.


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